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Raffaldini Vineyards and Winery LLC

La Ruzzola Del Formaggio - Cheese Roll - Sunday, April 1st at 1pm & 3pm

Date: Sun, Apr 1, 2018
Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Venue: Raffaldini Vineyard & Winery
Phone: 336-526-1078
Email: eventplanning@raffaldini.com

Come celebrate Easter and the return of spring at Raffaldini Vineyards with a traditional Italian game of the rolling of the cheese! The tradition of La Ruzzola dates back 3000 years to the Etruscan Tomb of the Olympiads but is now played with each Pasquetta in select Italian villages. Enjoy a picnic by purchasing and pairing cheese with a local artisan craker. A cheese rolling will be held at 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm. Stop by the tasting room, visit our website www.raffaldini.com, call 336.526.1078 or email us at info@raffaldini.com for more information.

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